03-03-2025 - Asbestos Awareness - Chicago, IL

Training Provider: Public Health and Safety, Inc

Date: Monday, March 3, 2025 from 6:00am to 10:00am

Location: Chicago, IL

5   reviews average 1 review

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View Upcoming Asbestos Awareness In Chicago, IL
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Why Should You Take This Asbestos Awareness Course?

This Asbestos Awareness course is designed especially for custodial, maintenance, and trades persons who will conduct operations which may contact or disturb asbestos in buildings. It is intended to review the source and history of asbestos, and the health effects associated with asbestos exposure. We will discuss the regulations, both federal and state, which limit the activities you may perform relating to asbestos. Finally, we will discuss recognizing damaged and deteriorated asbestos-containing materials. This course also requires that employees be made aware of the locations and quantities of asbestos materials in the building, and the name of the Asbestos Program Manager for the facility where they work.

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requires this training course for employees who fall under Class IV asbestos work. Class IV asbestos work entails activities performed by maintenance and custodial employees which contact, but do not disturb asbestos containing material (ACM) or presumed asbestos-containing material (PACM). Asbestos containing materials (ACM) is any material that contains more than one percent (>1%) asbestos. Presumed asbestos containing materials (PACM) includes thermal system insulation (TSI) or surfacing material found in buildings constructed prior to 1981.


Intended Audience:  Construction, building maintenance and janitorial personnel who work in commercial buildings and schools and who may come into contact with asbestos-containing material.


Topics To Be Covered Include:

  • Background Information on Asbestos
  • Health Effects Associated with Asbestos
  • Recognizing Damage, Deterioration, & De-lamination of Asbestos-Containing Building Material (ACBM)
  • Regulatory Guidelines at the State and Federal Level

CertificatesSame day as course completion
Parking$6 parking at 1640 West Jackson Blvd. Ample parking at 1528 W Adams during weekdays and by appointment - call 312-491-0081 to be let in the side lot near building. 1st come first serve basis.
FoodCoffee and snacks provided not provided
100% Verified Reviews
Below are the most recent student reviews for previous Asbestos Awareness Courses. All reviews are from people who registered for and attended the course.
Average rating: ( 5 out of 5 stars - 1 1 student reviews)

Asbestos Awareness
review userKamaria C.
5 stars out of 5 stars attended on July 14, 2020
Awesome and interesting class!! Highly recommended with this instructor. Awesome and interesting class!! Highly recommended with this instructor.

1528 West Adams St. Basement, Chicago, IL 60607

Monday, March 3, 2025 from 6:00am to 10:00am


Public Health & Safety, Inc (PHSI) is a Chicago-based firm with professional and technical competence in public health, chemistry, toxicology, exposure assessment, occupational hygiene, employee training and awareness, environmental abatement project management, and air sampling. We provide professional support services for employers, manufacturers, chemical industry, school districts, unions, building owners, real estate and insurance agents, architectural, engineering and law firms. We are experienced and qualified in the following areas: Project Management, including field testing of air, water, and solids, along with bulk sampling, hazard assessment, development of management control options, budgets and specifications for indoor and outdoor waste contaminants; Project Design, including budgeting and management of asbestos abatement, mold remediation, and lead-based hazard control projects; Real Estate, particularly environmental and financial risk management support services for federally subsidized property maintenance and re-development operations; and Training and Awareness Programs in the occupational and environmental health and safety field, with our most recent addition being the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Initial and Refresher courses.

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