Browse All Stormwater and Water Management Training & Courses

Stormwater and Water Management aims to protect one of our planets most valuable resources - H2O. Designing and implementing a comprehensive stormwater plan is critical to preserving this resource while avoiding runoff issues on construction sites. The Stormwater Management courses prepare you to understand the regulations governing pollution caused by stormwater, and how to translate these requirements into applicable strategies for your job site. View our selection of Stormwater Management courses below to find the training you need.

Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater (QCIS) Online - Enhanced
This 16-hour online program educates participants on how to properly inspect and maintain a construction site in compliance with EPA and State-specific General Permit programs for CO, CT, DC, FL, ID, MA, MN, MT, NH, NM, OH, RI, TX, UT, WI, PR and US Virgin Islands. For working in CA view the QSP/QSD training. If you work in a state that is not listed here, please view the 14-hour version of this program.
Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater (QCIS) Online - NPDES
This 14-hour online course educates participants on how to properly inspect and maintain a construction site in compliance with the NPDES for those working in This online QCIS course is approved for those working in AZ, AR, HI, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MS, MO, NC, NE, NV, NJ, ND, OK, PA, SD, VT, WV, or WY.
If you work in AK, AL, CA, DE, GA, MD, MI, NY, OR, SC, TN, VA, or WA, you can take this course for supplemental training however the course is not approved by the state Stormwater Governing Body. For working in CA view the QSP/QSD training. Candidates located in 
other states not listed should register for the 16-hour enhanced version of this QCIS program.
Qualified Preparer of SWPPP Online - NPDES

This 16.5 hour program educates individuals to prepare Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program which covers the following states: This online QPSWPPP course is approved for those working in AZ, AR, HI, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MS, MO, NC, NE, NV, NJ, ND, OK, PA, SD, VT, WV, or WY. If you work in CA, AK, AL, DE, GA, MD, MI, NY, OR, SC, TN, VA, or WA, you can take this course for supplemental training however the course is not approved by the state Stormwater Governing Body. Candidates located in other states not listed should register for the 18.5-hour enhanced version of this program.

Qualified Preparer of SWPPP Online - Enhanced
This 18.5-hour program educates individuals to prepare Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in compliance with EPA and state-specific General Permit programs for CO, CT, DC, FL, ID, MA, MN, MT, NH, NM, OH, RI, TX, UT, WI, PR, and US Virgin Islands.
Stormwater Regulations Webinar
During this convenient Stormwater Regulations Webinar, students will gain an understanding of the industrial and construction stormwater regulations that apply to their site, and identify which permits are available for their operations.
Qualified SWPPP Practitioner - QSP
The Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) course is an overview and review of necessary forms and regulations governing pollution caused by stormwater, especially implementing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). This course describes the SWPPP development process and provides helpful guidance and tips for implementing an effective Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan on your construction site.
Qualified SWPPP Practitioner/Developer - QSP/QSD
The Qualified SWPPP Practitioner/Developer (QSP/QSD) combination course is an overview and review of necessary forms and regulations governing pollution caused by stormwater, especially writing and implementing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). This combination QSP/QSD course describes the SWPPP development process and provides helpful guidance and tips for developing an effective Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan on your construction site.
CESCL: Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Re-Certification
Renew your CESCL certification with the CESCL: Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Re-Certification course.
Introduction to Low Impact Development (LID) Online
This online course presents sustainable, eco-friendly approaches to stormwater management and development practices. Students can earn 1.5 Professional Development Hours for completing this course.

Stormwater Management for Oil and Gas Construction Online
This 15-Hour online course instructs upon runoff challenges encountered during oil and gas construction activities.
Federal Construction General Permit Online
This 4.5-Hour online course provides comprehensive instruction of regulations and requirements for construction sites with a land disturbance area of one or more acres.
Public Education, Outreach and Involvement Program Overview Online
This online course instructs upon the requirements, best management practices and measurable goals to be implemented as part of a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Online

This online course covers the components necessary for a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) to develop and maintain an IDDE Program.

Construction Site Runoff Control for MS4s Online
This online course is designed to teach students the best management practices for managing construction waste and spills, as well as maintenance procedures involved in controlling pollutants from construction sites.
Post-Construction Stormwater Maintenance Online
This online course will cover the Best Management Practices for structural, manufactured, low impact development (LID), and above ground and below ground detention and retention systems. 
Intro to Erosion and Sediment Control - Subcontractor Awareness
This online course educates participants on the basic principles of erosion and sediment control, and the responsibilities of subcontractors when there is stormwater present near construction sites.
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operators
This Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operators course covers some of the components an operator of a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) must include in its Stormwater Management Program. 
Intro to TPDES Permit Program Online
In this Intro to TPDES Permit Program Online course, students will learn the basics of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permitting Program. 
Wisconsin General Permit to Discharge Online
This Wisconsin General Permit to Discharge Online course teaches students the requirements of the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) so that they can legally discharge stormwater runoff from construction sites in accordance with the limitations set by the State of Wisconsin.
Managing a Successful SPMP Program Online
In this online Managing Successful SPMP Program course, students will learn the concepts behind implementing and maintaining a Stormwater Planned Maintenance Program for multiple sites.
Washington Construction Stormwater General Permit Overview Online
The Washington Construction Stormwater General Permit Overview Online course covers the best management practices for controlling stormwater and other pollutant discharges from construction sites with a land disturbance area of one acre or more.
California Construction General Permit Online
This California General Permit Program Online course teaches stormwater professionals lawful handling of stormwater discharges from construction sites as it applies to the State of California.
Florida Stormwater Management for Construction Activities Online Advanced

This Florida Stormwater Management for Construction Activities Online Advanced provides more in-depth knowledge on the Clean Water Act, the NPDES permitting program and installation and maintenance of temporary pollution controls. 

California General Construction Stormwater Awareness Online
This California General Construction Stormwater Awareness Online course teaches students the fundamentals of the California General Construction Permit, the Clean Water Act, and the NPDES Permitting Program. 
California Industrial Stormwater Awareness Online
This California Industrial Stormwater Awareness Online course teaches stormwater professionals the requirements of an industrial stormwater program under the California Industrial General Permit. 
Colorado Qualified Preparer of Stormwater Management Plan Online
This Colorado Qualified Preparer of Stormwater Management Plan (QPSWMP) Online course teaches students how to prepare management plans in compliance with the State of Colorado's Discharge Permit System.
Minnesota General Construction Discharge Permit Online

This Minnesota General Construction Discharge Permit is designed for professionals who will be responsible for environmental compliance on construction projects. 

Colorado CDPS General Permit Online

The Colorado CDPS General Permit: Stormwater Discharges Associated With Construction Activity Online course teaches students fundamental knowledge of the CDPS as it applies to stormwater and non-stormwater related discharges. Students learn the legal requirements of maintaining a CDPS General Permit and how to develop an effective Stormwater Management Plan.

For stormwater professionals working on construction sites with a land disturbance of one acre or more, this course will teach important information to keep projects in compliance.

Intro to the Florida NPDES Permitting Program Online
The Intro to the Florida NPDES Permitting Program Online course provides an overview of the Clean Water Act's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting Program as it applies to the State of Florida.
Florida Stormwater Management for Construction Online
In the Florida Stormwater Management for Construction Activities Online course, students will learn the fundamentals of the Clean Water Act, the NPDES permitting program and installation and maintenance of temporary pollution controls.
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