07-15-2025 - Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Initial - Spanish - Atlanta, GA

Training Provider: Seagull Environmental Training

Dates: TU Jul 15, WE Jul 16 from 8:30am to 4:30pm

Location: Atlanta, GA

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This Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Initial training, taught in Spanish, accredits individuals to perform operations, maintenance and repair activities which may disturb minor quantities of ACM, PACM or asbestos material.

Este curso está diseñado principalmente para el personal de custodia y mantenimiento y los trabajadores de comercio de construcción. Esta certificación permite la ejecución de un trabajo de asbesto Clase III OSHA sólo en projects. This amianto menores extensa taller proporciona a los alumnos los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar inmediatamente las operaciones de amianto y los trabajos de mantenimiento en el campo. 

La formación es necesaria para los profesionales de disminución de asbesto en virtud de la Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 ( AHERA ), que es la autoridad bajo la cual la EPA publicó el asbesto EPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan. Este curso se ha concedido la autorización plena por la EPA y varios Estados a cumplir con los requisitos de AHERA y ASHARA de acreditación para el trabajo de asbesto en escuelas K-12 , así como en edificios públicos y comerciales.

Un trabajador de Operaciones y Mantenimiento deberá tener un válido certificado de Operaciones y Mantenimiento y debe tener su certificado o una copia de su certificado con ellos en todo momento mientras se trabaja en el proyecto. Este extenso taller proporciona a los alumnos los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar inmediatamente el trabajo de eliminación de asbesto en el campo.

Class III Asbestos Work – repair and maintenance operations, where ACM, including TSI and surfacing ACM and PACM is likely to be disturbed.

Class IV Asbestos Work – maintenance and custodial activities during which employee contact, but do not disturb, ACM or PACM , and activities to clean up dust, waste and debris resulting from Class I, II, and III Activities.

Topics To Be Covered Include:

  • Background Information on Asbestos
  • Potential Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure
  • Identification and Location of Asbestos
  • Federal and State Regulatory Review
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Work Area Preparation
  • Decontamination Systems
  • Work Practice Standards 
  • Safety and Health Hazards
  • Occupant Relations/Safety
  • Glovebag Techniques


Please Note: Your state has detailed education, experience and application processing requirements to qualify for licensing in the Asbestos field. Most states administer their own asbestos programs, and each state's Department of Environmental Protection/Health is generally the best place to start with questions about requirements and training. Students are responsible to verify these requirements prior to registering for a course.

  • Background Information on Asbestos
  • Potential Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure
  • Identification and Location of Asbestos
  • Federal and State Regulatory Review
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Work Area Preparation
  • Decontamination Systems
  • Work Practice Standards 
  • Safety and Health Hazards
  • Occupant Relations/Safety
  • Glovebag Techniques
CertificatesSame day as course
ParkingFree parking available on site
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5891 New Peachtree Road #122, Atlanta, GA 30340

TU Jul 15, WE Jul 16 from 8:30am to 4:30pm

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Seagull Environmental Training is your one-stop environmental training resource. In order to serve the needs of all of our clients, we offer classes on a daily and weekly basis in various locations throughout the country. Furthermore, WE NEVER CANCEL CLASSES, so our students can trust that they will receive the training they need exactly when they need it. Having trained over 97,000 satisfied students, we are confident in our ability to provide the most available and convenient lead, asbestos, and OSHA training in the country. Sign up today and attend class tomorrow...it's that easy!

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