05-17-2025 - Asbestos Worker / Handler Initial - Spanish - Chicago, IL

Training Provider: Public Health and Safety, Inc

Dates: SA May 17, SU May 18, SA May 24, SU May 25 from 1:00pm to 9:00pm (Day 1); 5:00am to 1:00pm (Days 2,3 & 4)

Location: Chicago, IL

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This Asbestos Worker/Handler Initial - Spanish training course accredits individuals to remove, encapsulate, enclose, repair or disturb friable or non-friable asbestos, and to handle asbestos material in any manner which may result in the release of asbestos fiber on an asbestos abatement project. This extensive workshop provides students with the skills to immediately begin asbestos abatement work in the field.

La formación es necesaria para los profesionales de disminución de asbesto en virtud de la Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 ( AHERA ), que es la autoridad bajo la cual la EPA publicó el asbesto EPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan. Este curso se ha concedido la autorización plena por la EPA y varios Estados a cumplir con los requisitos de AHERA y ASHARA de acreditación para el trabajo de asbesto en escuelas K-12, así como en edificios públicos y comerciales.

Un trabajador de asbesto / Handler debe tener un certificado válido de asbesto en todo momento mientras se trabaja en un proyecto, y debe trabajar bajo la supervisión de un supervisor de asbestos autorizado.

Looking for the English version of this class? Checkout Asbestos/Worker Handler.

Topics To Be Covered Include:

  • Background Information on Asbestos
  • Relevant Federal, State and Local Regulatory Requirements, Procedures and Standards
  • Health Effects of Exposure to Asbestos
  • Purposes and Methods of Asbestos Monitoring and Testing
  • Case Studies
  • Personal Protection of the Worker (hands-on required)
  • Preparation of Work Area (hands-on required)
  • Asbestos Abatement Hazard Reduction Methods (hands-on required)
  • Proper Clean-Up and Disposal (hands-on required)
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Decontamination (hands-on required)
  • Additional Safety Hazards


Please Note: Your state has detailed education, experience and application processing requirements to qualify for licensing in the Asbestos field. Most states administer their own asbestos programs, and each state's Department of Environmental Protection/Health is generally the best place to start with questions about requirements and training. Students are responsible to verify these requirements prior to registering for a course.


  • Introduction
  • Background Information on Asbestos
  • Relevant Federal, State and Local Regulatory Requirements, Procedures and Standards
  • Health Effects of Exposure to Asbestos
  • Purposes and Methods of Asbestos Monitoring and Testing
  • Case Studies
  • Personal Protection of the Worker (hands-on required)
  • Preparation of Work Area (hands-on required)
  • Asbestos Abatement Hazard Reduction Methods (hands-on required)
  • Proper Clean-Up and Disposal (hands-on required)
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Decontamination (hands-on required)
  • Additional Safety Hazards
  • Review of Classroom Material
  • Written Examination
CertificatesSame day as course completion
Parking$6 parking at 1640 West Jackson Blvd. Ample parking at 1528 W Adams during weekdays and by appointment - call 312-491-0081 to be let in the side lot near building. 1st come first serve basis.
FoodCoffee and snacks provided not provided
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1528 West Adams St. Basement, Chicago, IL 60607

SA May 17, SU May 18, SA May 24, SU May 25 from 1:00pm to 9:00pm (Day 1); 5:00am to 1:00pm (Days 2,3 & 4)


Public Health & Safety, Inc (PHSI) is a Chicago-based firm with professional and technical competence in public health, chemistry, toxicology, exposure assessment, occupational hygiene, employee training and awareness, environmental abatement project management, and air sampling. We provide professional support services for employers, manufacturers, chemical industry, school districts, unions, building owners, real estate and insurance agents, architectural, engineering and law firms. We are experienced and qualified in the following areas: Project Management, including field testing of air, water, and solids, along with bulk sampling, hazard assessment, development of management control options, budgets and specifications for indoor and outdoor waste contaminants; Project Design, including budgeting and management of asbestos abatement, mold remediation, and lead-based hazard control projects; Real Estate, particularly environmental and financial risk management support services for federally subsidized property maintenance and re-development operations; and Training and Awareness Programs in the occupational and environmental health and safety field, with our most recent addition being the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Initial and Refresher courses.

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