03-03-2025 - Asbestos Worker / Handler Initial - Denver, CO

Training Provider: BetterCertify

Dates: MO Mar 03, TU Mar 04, WE Mar 05, TH Mar 06 from 8:00am to 4:00pm

Location: Denver, CO

5   reviews average 1 review

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This Asbestos Worker/Handler Initial course is designed for anyone who, within a work area, removes, encapsulates or disturbs friable asbestos, or who handles asbestos material in any manner which may result in the release of asbestos fiber on an asbestos abatement project. Asbestos Workers must be supervised by a certified Asbestos Supervisor.

Training for asbestos abatement professionals is required under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA), which is the authority under which EPA issued the EPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan. This course has been granted approval by the EPA and various States to meet AHERA and ASHARA accreditation requirements for asbestos work in K-12 schools, as well as in public and commercial buildings.

An Asbestos Worker/Handler must have a valid asbestos certificate at all times while working on a project, and must work under the supervision of a certified Asbestos Supervisor. This workshop prepares you to immediately apply your knowledge to the field, with extensive hands-on training and real-world examples from experienced instructors. It combines lectures, discussions, and hands-on demonstrations.


Topics To Be Covered Include:

  • Background Information on Asbestos
  • Relevant Federal, State and Local Regulatory Requirements, Procedures and Standards
  • Health Effects of Exposure to Asbestos
  • Purposes and Methods of Asbestos Monitoring and Testing
  • Case Studies
  • Personal Protection of the Worker (hands-on required)
  • Preparation of Work Area (hands-on required)
  • Asbestos Abatement Hazard Reduction Methods (hands-on required)
  • Proper Clean-Up and Disposal (hands-on required)
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Decontamination (hands-on required)
  • Additional Safety Hazards


Please Note:  Your state has detailed education, experience and application processing requirements to qualify for licensing in the Asbestos field. Most states administer their own asbestos programs, and each state's Department of Environmental Protection/Health is generally the best place to start with questions about requirements and training. Students are responsible to verify these requirements prior to registering for a course.

CertificatesSame day as course completion
ParkingFree parking available on site
FoodCoffee, tea, and soda provided for in-person classes
STATE REQUIREMENTS (Asbestos Worker / Handler Initial)**
Individual PrerequisitesMust show proof of legal citizenship or proof of eligibility to work in the US
Accrediting BodyColorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Individual App Requirements$125 annually
Individual Exam And Fees3rd-Party Exam Given
Company Application Requirements$500 annually
Refresher TrainingApplicants must successfully complete a refresher course in the same discipline as their initial course. Refresher training is annual. Refresher is a 1 day, 8 hour course.
** Please note that these details are provided for informational purposes only. Consult with your local state or regulatory body to confirm your requirements for your specific situation. Nothing on this website constitutes, or is meant to constitute, advice of any kind. It is simply a database of publicly available information that is meant to assist with research on certain topics but is no way guaranteed as complete or free of error.
100% Verified Reviews
Below are the most recent student reviews for previous Asbestos Worker/Handler Initial Courses. All reviews are from people who registered for and attended the course.
Average rating: ( 5 out of 5 stars - 1 1 student reviews)

Asbestos Worker/Handler Initial
review userMatthew A.
5 stars out of 5 stars attended on June 29, 2018
It was a very easy-going class with a lot of info and good hands-on training. It was a very easy-going class with a lot of info and good hands-on training.

1775 West 55th Avenue, Denver, CO 80221

MO Mar 03, TU Mar 04, WE Mar 05, TH Mar 06 from 8:00am to 4:00pm

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Effective May 1, 2024, CHC Training, LLC has re-branded to BetterCertify. BetterCertify is a women-owned company, we specialize in comprehensive environmental and safety training, offering diverse training options offered online (async), webinars (sync), and in live classrooms. Our seasoned instructors and skilled designers tailor our curriculums to integrate regulatory requirements with each learners' unique needs. This student-focused approach has earned us a student success rate exceeding 95%! Since 2007, we've been industry pioneers, offering a vast array of award-winning environmental hazard testing and abatement, as well as OSHA safety certification programs. With the highest number of approvals in the field, our innovative strategies and regulatory expertise set us apart. By combining industry best practices with interactive modules, we ensure our students are equipped to excel in practical real-life applications. Upon completing our program, students receive fully accredited, verifiable credentials they can display with pride!

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