04-24-2025 - Accident Incident Reporting and Investigation - Spanish - Tigard, OR

Training Provider: American Contractors Organization

Date: Thursday, April 24, 2025 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm

Location: Tigard, OR

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Accident Incident Reporting and Investigation is a two-hour course for residential and commercial contractors that teaches the knowledge, practical skills and tools needed to conduct accident and incident investigations. Contractors can identify their risk exposures to create a unique Safety Program during the one-hour module that is part of this session.


Investigación e informes de incidentes de accidentes es un curso de dos horas para contratistas residenciales y comerciales que enseña el conocimiento, las habilidades prácticas y las herramientas necesarias para realizar investigaciones de accidentes e incidentes. Los contratistas pueden identificar sus exposiciones a riesgos para crear un programa de seguridad único durante el módulo de una hora que forma parte de esta sesión.

El curso de Investigación e Informe de Incidentes de Accidentes enseña a los estudiantes cómo crear un programa de seguridad eficaz, planificar y realizar investigaciones de todos los incidentes y cuasi accidentes y determinar la causa subyacente de eventos similares para evitar que vuelvan a ocurrir.

Temas cubiertos:

  • Salvaguardando la zona
  • Establecer una base de datos de contactos relevantes
  • Supervisar las responsabilidades del equipo
  • Tomar fotografías y mantener registros
  • Consejos para la gestión de investigaciones
  • Elaborar un plan de acción para emergencias
  • hablando con testigos importantes
  • Preparándose para dirigirse a los medios
  • Consejos sobre cómo tratar con los investigadores

Quién debería tomar este curso: 

  • Contratistas residenciales y comerciales

CertificatesCertificates are emailed 5-7 business days after the course.
ParkingYes - free parking
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6950 SW Hampton Street Suite #340, Tigard, OR 97223

Thursday, April 24, 2025 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm

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American Contractors Organization is dedicated to providing contractors with Safety Training as well as consulting on Insurance, risk management and regulatory compliance issues faced by contractors on a day to day. Our focus is risk mitigation because we believe that safety should be the foundation to any construction company as this in turn will have a direct impact on the liability exposure of a business. Companies that place a high level of importance on safety values and attitudes result in improved workplace health and performance therefore improving workplace morale, understanding that safety is a culture not a program. We’ve been consulting with contractors for almost 18 years providing cost effective solutions to manage their business risk by facilitating the management of liabilities and implementing practical safety solutions therefore reducing their overall risk and improving their financial bottom line. Our live trainings are taught by certified safety professionals and industry experienced instructors that have decades of expertise on OSHA Fall Protection, CPR, Workers comp as well as a wide range of online safety courses that are available 24/7. Our classroom training facility is located in SW Portland and we look forward to being your partner in education.

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