Online anytime - Level 1 and 2 - Complete Hands-On Business Analytics Online Anytime

Training Provider: Aryng

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Why Should You Take This Level 1 and 2 - Complete Hands-On Business Analytics Online Anytime Course?

This Level 1 and 2 - Complete Hands-On Business Analytics Online Anytime course combines Aryng's Level-1 and Level-2 agenda to deliver the complete analytics training for business professionals. Business analytics delivers actionable insights for those who are making decision in their day-to-day work flow and want to add the "smarts" to their decisions. This course enables new interpretations and evaluations of business performance based on data using simple yet powerful statistical techniques: Aggregate Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Trend Analysis and Sizing Analysis.

The focus of this hands-on workshop, is to give business professionals a tool, a recipe to glean insights from data and drive impact. This is done using Aryng's proprietary BADIR framework. The BADIR framework takes the business professional on a journey that begins with a business question, proceeds to core analysis, and concludes by deriving insights and making an impact. The framework has 2 parallel tracks- Blue track is the technical track, towards insights. Green track covers the business/soft side of decision making using data. Together they complete the process of Analytics, which doesn't just stop at insights but extends into decisions, into actions and ultimately savings. We recommend taking 6 weeks to complete this course, dedicating 4-5 hours every week. Attendees need a laptop loaded with Microsoft Excel or equivalent software for exercises. 


Topics To Be Covered Include:

  • Aggregate analysis - average, standard deviation, variance, error, z-score, confidence interval
  • Correlation Analysis - Pearson's Coefficient, cross tabs
  • Trend Analysis
  • Sizing and Estimation
  • Communicating analytical findings
  • Delivering powerful presentations
  • Best practices to build impactful KPI dashboards


Case Simulation: Participants test their own knowledge by solving a real world business situation starting from an inquiry/thought to using BADIR to arrive at definitive answers and recommendations towards the business problem.


Course Objectives:

  • Overview of Business Analytics, Predictive Analytics and Test-and-Learn (A/B Testing)
  • Comfort in fundamental statistics: Aggregate Analysis – Averages, Variance, Standard Deviation, Z-score, Error and Statistical Significance. Correlation Analysis
  • A proven approach to driving decisions based on data using BADIR 5-steps Analytics Framework. Learn analysis techniques and effective influencing and cross-functional skills to convert those insights to impact.
  • Learn how to make a successful business case for a new product/feature launch with limited historical data. Also learn to effectively present it to peers and management.
  • How to get impactful KPI Dashboard / meaningful metrics to run your Product or Marketing department with.
  • Learn how to do actionable analysis using Excel pivot tables, functions and charts
  • Learn how to compete on Analytics by putting analytics into business context.


Intended Audience: 

Marketing and Sales Professional:  Are you in the sales and marketing function and want to maximize ROI by increasing effectiveness of your marketing campaign, lower cost of customer acquisition and do more with less? If so, then this workshop is ideal starting point for you.

Product Managers:  As a product manager, are you asking the 5 most important question that will put you on the steady path for discovering breakthrough insights from your data that will maximize Customer Traffic, Conversion to Sale, Transaction Value? If you answered "No", then this workshop is ideal for you to understand how to leverage your data towards optimizing your ROI.

Executives:  Are you an executive managing an organization/department and wanting to compete on analytics? Have you made multi-millions dollar investments in state-of-the-art tools to start capturing Big Data, but still not seeing any impact of that investment on your top line? Do you wants the company trained and competent to make “better data driven decisions” as part of the entire company’s daily work flow? Then, this workshop is the best 1-day investment you can make to start getting the bang for your "data investment" buck.

BI Professionals/ Data Analysts:  Are you the keeper and provider of data in your organization? Would you like to deliver more than just the data to your internal/external clients? This workshop is a perfect starting point to deliver insights and make a tangible impact through your work while doing less, as you learn efficient analytics.

Data Scientist:  Are you an analytics professional with years of experience building dashboards, models and churning out amazing insights from data but see your hard work go to waste as organization fail to act on the insights you produce? This workshop is a great primer for seasoned professional like you for upgrading your influencing, communication and persuasion skills as we know analytics is more than just technical skills! In this workshop you will learn a structured approach to analytics to bring your stakeholders with you, so when you are ready with your insights, they are ready to act on it to create the impact your work deserves!

  • Introduction to the Analytics landscape (30 minutes)
  • Statistics 101 - Aggregate Analysis and Correlation Analysis (30 minutes)
  • Winery Case- Overview of BADIR™ Analysis Framework ( 60 minutes + Exercise)
  • Introduction to Predictive Analytics (90 minutes)
  • Introduction to Test and Learn (A/B testing) (40 minutes + Exercise)
  • Competing on Analytics - 3 Key Question to Ask (40 minutes)
  • BADIR Deep Dive
    1. Get to the real Business Question (30 minutes + Exercises)
    2. Lay out an Analysis Plan (45 minutes + Exercises)
    3. Data Collection based on hypotheses (20 minutes)
    4. Derive Insights using the recipe (90 minutes + Exercises)
    5. Make Actionable Recommendations (25 minutes + Exercises)
  • Top 20 Metrics for your business (20 minutes + Exercise)
  • Excel Power Tips (20 minutes + Exercise)
  • How to create impact in x-functional organization (25 minutes+ Exercise)
  • Case Simulation - (6 hours of Discussion + hands-on work + review of answers)
CertificatesSame day as course completion
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Aryng is a management consulting firm based in Silicon Valley, California. Aryng is focused on Analytics; a unique partnership of analytics and management professionals, with decades of experience in Fortune 500 companies, conducting analytics, building and managing Business Intelligence and Analytics teams, delivering cumulative results in the $100s of millions. Aryng offers training, consulting and recruiting services to their clients to help build the organizations internal capability to use data as a competing advantage.

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