04-10-2025 - Lead Supervisor Supplemental CA - Virtual - Anaheim, CA

Training Provider: NATEC International

Dates: TH Apr 10, FR Apr 11 from 8:00am to 4:30pm

Location: Anaheim, CA

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This Lead Supervisor Supplemental CA - Virtual is for those individuals who already possess a California Lead-Related Construction Worker certificate (24 or 32 hours), and are interested in becoming a Lead Supervisor or Project Monitor. This 16-hour course fulfills the additional training requirements.

This class will be conducted as a live, instructor-led webinar during the dates and times listed on the registration EXCEPT for the last day of class, when students will need to go to the onsite facility to complete the required hands-on and final exam. Students must be available for the full duration of the class dates and times listed. Onsite training will be limited in size and extra precautions will be taken for student and instructor safety.

How does Virtual Initial Training work?

1. Select your location where you will complete the hands-on training and exam.

2. Select the dates that work with your schedule 

  i) The first days will be conducted via an Instructor-led Webinar training. 

 ii) The LAST day listed for the course will be the day you must go in to the training facility in-person to finish the course.

3. After registering, you will receive additional information by email for how to access the online training segments.

4. After successfully completing the last day in-person and passing the exam your training certificate will be issued.

Students should have a webcam or built in camera. Virtual training can be accessed via computer, smartphone, or tablet.


There are experience requirements and a third-party exam to become a Lead Supervisor in the State of California:

  • 1 year of experience as a certified Lead Worker, OR
  • 2 years of experience in lead-related construction or a related field (such as asbestos, the building trades or environmental remediation) conducting health, occupational safety or environmental hazard control


Proof of Experience:  A current and active contractor's license issued in your name by the California Contractors State License Board (CSLB) within the classifications A, ASB, B, C12, C15, C17, C21, C32, C33, C34, C35, C39, C4, C-3, C47, C61/D38, C61/D63 or HAZ may serve as the proof of experience for Supervisors


There are also experience requirements and a third-party exam to become a Project Monitor in the State of California:

  • A Bachelor's Degree or higher in a biological, chemical, physical science or related field; and 1 year of experience in lead-related construction or a related field conducting, monitoring or designing projects in environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazard reduction; OR
  • An Associate's Degree or higher (or 20 semester/30 quarter college units) in a biological, chemical, physical science or related field and 1 year of experience as a certified lead supervisor; OR
  • An Associate's Degree or higher (or 20 semester/30 quarter college units) in a biological, chemical, physical science or related field and 2 years of experience in lead-related construction or a related field conducting, monitoring or designing projects in environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazard reduction; OR
  • A High School Diploma or its equivalent and 2 years of experience as a certified lead supervisor; OR
  • A High School Diploma or its equivalent and 3 years of experience in lead-related construction or a related field conducting, monitoring or designing projects in environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazard reduction; OR
  • Certified Industrial Hygienists – American Board of Industrial Hygiene certificate.


Third-Party Exam: Lead Abatement Supervisor or Lead Project Monitor Certification Exam (call Cooperative Personnel Services (916) 263-3624, opt 5).

CertificatesMailed to the student 4-7 days after course completion for in person courses.
ParkingFree parking available on site
FoodBreakfast provided for in person courses.
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1100 Technology Circle, Anaheim, CA 92805

TH Apr 10, FR Apr 11 from 8:00am to 4:30pm

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Founded in 1989, NATEC International, Inc. is one of the largest training companies in California and has celebrated twenty-five years of providing accredited hazardous material related training courses. We offer classroom facilities in Northern and Southern California and hold numerous publicly held classes. The NATEC staff consists of the largest instructor base in California, supporting our clients' challenging schedules with experienced and knowledgeable instructors, which is comprised of CIH's, Certified Asbestos Consultants, and Lead Paint Inspector/Risk Assessors.

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