1 location
1 trainer
For individuals who have previously completed the Lead Dust Sampling Technician Certification, this EPA Lead Dust Sampling Technician Refresher course is required to to renew previously trained individuals on how to conduct non-abatement lead dust clearance testing under EPA's Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule and clearance examinations under HUD's Lead Safe Housing Rule.
Upon successful completion of this course and its exam, students will receive their refresher certificate.
Topics to be Covered: Federal, State, and Indian Tribe Regulatory Requirements; Visual Inspections of Dust, Debris and Deteriorated Paint; Dust Sampling and Strategy Development; Collecting Dust Samples; Interpreting Laboratory Analysis; Post-Renovation Inspection; Report Writing for Lead Dust Sampling Results
Date(s) | Location | Cost | |
PA - Philadelphia | |||
PA - Philadelphia | |||
PA - Philadelphia |