3 locations
1 trainer
This 8-Hour OSHA Lead Worker training is for workers on jobsites that need to comply with OSHA Lead Standards (29 CFR 1910.1025 & 1926.62). This training is for individuals working in pre-1978 non-residential, non-child occupied properties where lead may be disturbed. It is tailored for custodial, maintenance, and trades persons who will conduct operations which may contact or disturb lead in buildings where the anticipated lead exposures will be below the OSHA Action Level.
Topics Include: Defining and Identifying Lead Containing Materials; Difference Between Lead-Containing Materials and Lead-Based Paint; Health Effects of Lead Exposure; Operations That Could Result in Exposure to Lead; Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment; Exposure Assessment and Air Monitoring; Hygiene and Housekeeping; Medical Surveillance.
If you will be working on residential or child-occupied properties, please view the Lead Abatement Worker training course.