Corporate Training By Zack Academy - French Classes NYC - Advanced


Why Should You Take This French Classes NYC - Advanced Course?

Learn French in NYC using a fun, unique and social method in this French Classes NYC - Advanced Course. Our process combines energetic and interactive In-Class Language Lessons with practical, “French Inspired Social Events”. We’re talking wine tastings, dining out at French restaurants, game nights and much more! These events allow you to instantly apply your new French language knowledge in real-life, social situations with your new friends...not buried in a text book or talking to a computer alone! We use a full sensory teaching method which interactively teaches you through listening, speaking, reading, writing and demonstrating real-life scenarios. Our unique system is designed to expose you to the learning method that “clicks” for you and to make learning a new language as exciting and awesome as possible!


Advanced French is for you if:

  • You have a strong understanding of the past, present and future tenses.
  • You possess a large French vocabulary and advanced level of grammar.
  • You are able to freely form basic, conversational sentences and can understand a large portion of French when spoken to.


Additional Notes:

  • Class is taught 100% in Advanced French covering a wide range of topics.
  • Upon Completion: You will be extremely proficient in all aspects of reading, writing, listening and conversing.


What type of people take City Speakeasy Foreign Language Classes?

Our students are open-minded adults looking to learn a foreign language in a fun, social atmosphere; not buried in a text book or stuck behind a computer. Some students entering the “beginner” levels have a little background in the language but have forgotten most of it, while other students are starting from scratch with no experience. Some students are continuing their development with us through our “Intermediate” language classes or simply picking back up in a more advanced level. In any of these cases, our students are looking for a New, Exciting and Unique Way to Learn a Foreign Language! Our average class size is between 10 to 12 people. We’ve found this to be the perfect range to get the most personalized attention from your instructor as well as immerse you and your peers in an educational and social atmosphere in NYC.

Request a quote
What's Included
  • Expert instruction from a teacher with years of experience in foreign language instruction
  • Social events hosted around the city for optimized learning
  • Study materials for additional practice
  • Our City Speakeasy "Survival Guide"
Scheduling Process
  1. Contact us and let us know how many employees need training.
  2. We will send a request for bid to our network of over 400 trainers.
  3. Sit back, relax, and within 24-48 hours you will have competitive pricing and a training date for this course.
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