Why Should You Take The Thinking Outside the Lines Workshop?
Thinking Outside the Lines is a powerful one-day workshop guaranteed to get you thinking differently. This intensive workshop was made for professionals like you — key decision makers whose organizations are counting on them for both the vision and the strategic thinking skills crucial to every organization's ongoing success.
This workshop will teach you invaluable thinking tools and techniques that lead to true breakthrough solutions. It's a no-nonsense, results-focused day of training guaranteed to help you find better ways to approach the real-world problems you face every day.You'll learn how to evaluate team members' ideas in a way that encourages — rather than squashes — their creative processes. You'll be amazed at what your people are capable of producing once you show them how to explore in new directions!
Course Objectives:
Flexing Your Creative Thinking Muscles to Meet Today"s Complex Leadership Challenges:
PowerThinking Tools for Moving Beyond "The Way It"s Always Been Done":
Getting Outside the Lines With Creative Problem Solving:
Supercharge Your Creative Decision-Making Skills:
Generating Ideas That Turn Problems Into Opportunities:
Putting Creative Ideas Into Action – for Unprecedented Results!