You are encouraged to bring your own questions for discussion and resolution. This is a seminar format with significant time reserved for discussion rather than lecture. Handout materials are substantial and based on statutes, regulations, and case law rather than on opinion or past practice.
Intended Audience:
Since this is an advanced course, it will be assumed that attendees will know the vocabulary, the acronyms, and the basic NEPA process. Attendees should be at least vaguely familiar with the statute, the regulations, and the guidance memoranda. Attendees should have substantial experience in the preparation of NEPA documents, their approval, or litigation over their adequacy. Project managers, senior environmental professionals, seasoned NEPA practitioners, writers and editors, legal counsel, and decision makers themselves will get the most out of this seminar.
Attendees should have substantial experience in the preparation of NEPA documents, their approval, or litigation over their adequacy.
Topics To Be Covered Include:
Course Materials:
Attendees will receive a course manual containing workshop proceedings and reference material.
What to Bring to Class: Pen or pencil, and paper if you do not want to take notes in your manual. Drinks and snacks will be provided each day. Lunch will be on your own.