Why Should You Take This Introduction to the California Environmental Quality Act course?
This Introduction to the California Environmental Quality Act workshop provides an applied overview of the California Environmental Quality Act, with an emphasis on the process and technical requirements of environmental impact assessment. The course will begin with a brief background on environmental impact assessment in the U.S. and of CEQA's regulatory context, followed by an overview of various approaches used in scoping and preparing environmental impact assessments under CEQA. Students will examine the documents required under CEQA and the roles of key players involved. Students will also determine the adequacy of CEQA documents as they relate to environmental settings, impact assessment, mitigation development, significance thresholds, and data sources. Lastly, the course will include a discussion of the documents and processes for projects regulated by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Intended Audience:
This course is designed for professionals seeking a greater understanding of CEQA in order to form publicly acceptable and legally defensible conclusions. Environmental professionals, planners, engineers, consultants, public officials, decision-makers, and others responsible for interpreting the adequacy of environmental impact reports and studies required under CEQA will benefit from this course, as will members of citizens organizations who want to gain an in-depth understanding of the CEQA process and develop technical skills in the reviewing of CEQA documents.
Topics To Be Covered Include: Please see syllabus for full list of course topics.
What to Bring to Class: Pen or pencil, and paper if you do not want to take notes in your manual. Drinks and snacks will be provided each day. Lunch will be on your own.
Review of CEQA Basics
CEQA Documents - hands-on examination and discussion
Overview of the Analytical Process for Environmental Impact Assessment
California Land Use Regulations and Other Common Permits - and their relationship to CEQA (and NEPA)
Common Environmental Impact Review Deficiencies
CEQA"s Environmental Impact Assessment Process
Key Players and their Roles in the CEQA Process
Critical Review of CEQA Documents
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