Why Should You Take This National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): Writing the Perfect EA/FONSI, or EIS course?
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): Writing the Perfect EA/FONSI, or EIS training course will present the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) practitioner with a set of practical skills for preparing either an Environmental Assessment (EA) / Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). It includes all the required content, as well as practical skills for safely leaving out unnecessary content. NEPA lessons will come from various project examples.
Major themes include: how to make the findings required by law; timing the NEPA process to the decision making process; eight good legal reasons not to prepare an EIS; scoping a reasonable range of alternatives; writing the "perfect" cumulative effects analysis; and administrative record. This course includes a substantial handout with graphic models, updated case lists that support the models, and sample documents. Each attendee may keep the handout to serve as a reference in the workplace.
Intended Audience:
This workshop is designed to serve both as a comprehensive introduction for those new to NEPA and a refresher for more experienced professionals. The course is beneficial for federal agency staff and decision makers, attorneys, consultants, as well as members of environmental organizations and interested citizens who are concerned about the environmental effects of federal actions. Those who have taken this course in years past will benefit from updated materials based on the newest judicial opinions. Even those who have worked with NEPA their entire careers will stand to learn more about the secrets to successful NEPA compliance.
Topics To Be Covered Include: Please see syllabus for full list of course topics.
What to Bring to Class: Pen or pencil, and paper if you do not want to take notes in your manual. Drinks and snacks will be provided each day. Lunch will be on your own.
Writing the Perfect FONSI
Ultimate conclusions
Basic conclusions
Timing the NEPA process to the decision making process
Recommendation or report
Decision action
Monitoring, supplements
Eight good reasons not to prepare an EIS
Writing the perfect EA or EIS
Eight plain-language questions any EA or EIS should readily answer
Writing the perfect ROD
Double winnowing
SCOPE: Alternatives
Proposal for action
Need underlying the proposal
Action alternatives:
- Alternative places to go
- Alternative ways to get there
No-action alternative
Mitigation not included in the proposal
Decision factors
Writing the perfect cumulative impacts analysis
-Reasons to lump
-Reasons to split
-Direct, indirect, and cumulative
-Increments to past, other present, and reasonably
foreseeable future actions
Writing the perfect cumulative impacts analysis, continued
Administrative Record
SCOPE: Alternatives
Proposal for action
Need underlying the proposal
Action alternatives:
- Alternative places to go
- Alternative ways to get there
No-action alternative
Mitigation not included in the proposal
Decision factors
Writing the perfect cumulative impacts analysis
-Reasons to lump
-Reasons to split
-Direct, indirect, and cumulative
-Increments to past, other present, and reasonably
foreseeable future actions
Writing the perfect cumulative impacts analysis, continued
Administrative Record