Why Should You Take This 8-hour Package for LEED CMP Online Anytime package?
This 8-hour Package for LEED CMP Online Anytime webinar series provides a practical approach to LEED with an overview of the 5 main LEED categories with strategies, requirements and case studies. The 8 hours together provide one (1) year worth of CE hours for the Credentialing Maintenance Program requirements, which are mandatory for LEED Green Associates. These CE hours can be self-reported and added to your GBCI "My Credentials" to keep your accredidation current.
What is Included In This 8-hour Package for LEED CMP Online Anytime package?
Sustainable Sites, one of the most important categories. Get up to speed on how Sustainable Sites affect both the building and the surrounding community. Your instructor Summer Gorder has years of actual "boots on the ground" experience with this section. This section is worth 2 CEUs.
Water Efficiency, not only is this one of the favorites of Summer's students but its a very informative and fun part of the series. Being the expert on ways to decrease potable water demands is always a great way to show off your skills and expertise. And, its a subject everybody should know more about. This section is worth 1.5 CEUs.
Energy and Atmosphere is the area where you can score the most points in LEED Ratings. The demand for experts in this area is always growing. Summer Gorder's years of "in the field" experience allows her to share real world examples and teach this section in a way that breaks it down into understandable sections and topics. This section is worth 1.5 CEUs.
Materials and Resources, from floor covering to paint to acoustic tiles, this section gives you the tools you need to know and understand how to select the correct materials and yet maintain maximum LEED points for your project. This category also covers waste management and helps you lead your team in reducing material waste. Get ready to learn about regional sourcing, building reuse and other topics that put you at the top of your game. This section is worth 1.0 CEU.
Indoor Environmental Quality Who doesn't want a healthy happy work place? This doesn't cover just the finished product. Indoor Environmental Quality category covers the workers during construction all the way through to final tenants. This category approaches this topic from a global approach and looks at the whole of the finished product. Covers Air Quality to Natural Lighting and more, delivered as only Summer Gorder can with her years of in-the-field experience. This section is worth 2 CEUs.
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