Corporate Training By Zack Academy - Mold Remediation Supervisor - Enviro Con


Why Should You Take This Mold Remediation Supervisor Course?

Interested in working for or starting a mold remediation company that specializes in mold removal and prevention? If so, our Mold Remediation courses are for you. Mold Remediation courses are designed for individuals who wish to gain certification in mold removal, whether you want to focus on performing the actual work or supervising the jobsite.

This Mold Remediation Supervisor course is targeted towards contractor supervisory personnel who provide oversight and management of microbial remediation projects. This is also ideal training for general contractors, facility owners, and consultants who need to be knowledgeable of the details and principles of mold remediation.


Topics To Be Covered Include:  Background information, health effects (currently there are no federal standards -OSHA, NIOSH, EPA- or recommendations for airborne concentrations of spores), prevention and control, abatement methods, clean up methods and procedures, materials, personal protective equipment and equipment. At completion, students will have a full understanding of related guidelines for removal based on the size of the area impacted by the contamination.


Hands-On Activities Include:

  • Materials tools and equipment use
  • Negative air machines
  • Set up and erecting critical barriers
  • Cleaning methods
  • Clearance testing
  • Waste and disposal


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What's Included
  • Interactive workshop with an experienced instructor
  • Hands-on activities for maximized learning
  • Student manual to keep as a reference for when you're in the field
  • Course certification
Scheduling Process
  1. Contact us and let us know how many employees need training.
  2. We will send a request for bid to our network of over 400 trainers.
  3. Sit back, relax, and within 24-48 hours you will have competitive pricing and a training date for this course.
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