This 16-Hour Special Rigger Safety Training course is a licensing requirement for applications for a Special Riggers license with the NYC DOB. This course is replacing the 30-Hour Special Rigger Safety Training course. The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) requires this course for anyone who supervises suspended scaffold projects on construction sites in New York City. During the course participants will develop the core management skills required to be an effective Licensed Special Rigger performing rigging operations, which contributes to the professional development of an individual and provides evidence of supervisory qualifications.
Participants will learn to stay in compliant with contemporary rigging standards and New York City Construction Codes and OSHA Regulations. This course is more extensive and detailed than the supervisor course and will include guidance on how to read scaffold design drawings, how to verify the fitness of the rigging crew, how to properly train workers on related hazards, and how to identify and respond to emergency situations.
Topics to be covered:
Prerequisites for Special Rigger Licensing:
Information on the Special Rigger Exam:
Once you pass your exam, you can submit your full licensing application online with DOB.
There are several additional items required as part of your application. Please view all steps and requirements for Special Rigger Licensing Requirements on the NYC DOB website:
This course description is for informational purposes only, and requirements and fees may change. Please consult with the NYC Department of Buildings for the most recent information.
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