This 8-hour COVID-19 Disinfection Certification for House of Worship Managers is designed for anyone in charge of the implementation of an effective infection prevention and control program for houses of worship and faith based organizations.
The CDC says high transmission rates of the virus have been reported from religious events. The agency is advising faith-based establishments planning to resume in-person operations to be aware of the potential for high rates of transmission of COVID-19. This course looks at the protective measures and routine interventions that can be taken to assure that communities of faith can discern how best to practice their beliefs while keeping their staff and congregations safe.
This program is comprised of two parts: a 2-hour On-demand Course, and a 6-hour Live Interactive Webinar. Both are included with registration. The date and time that you register for are for the Live Webinar portion, which must be attended in real-time.
NOTE: The on-demand course must be completed prior to the Live Webinar date that is selected at registration. Access will be received within 1 business day of registration for the student to gain access to the on-demand training.
Also Available: 4-Hour COVID-19 Disinfection Technician for Places of Worship
PART 1 - On-Demand:
2-Hour COVID-19 Safe Work Practices for Infection Prevention and Control for House of Worship and Faith Based Organizations
This 2-hour on-demand portion offers an introduction into the basic principles of Infection Prevention and Control and how they apply to the safe maintenance and operations of houses of worship. The modules presented will cover topics such as
PART 2 - Live Webinar:
6-Hour COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Management for House of Worship and Faith Based Organizations
This 6- hour live webinar portion is geared towards the managerial or maintenance director that is responsible for completing and/or overseeing this task. Volunteer assistance is often done by members, so the manager needs to ensure that the appropriate level of training is given to these volunteers performing the work.