This Spanish Confined Space - Permit Entry course teaches students how to identify permit-required confined spaces and their hazards. Specifically, students will learn the proper utilization of gas monitoring equipment and ventilation methods for working in a confined space. This course highlights the duties of supervisors, entrants, and attendants as well as requirements for rescue services and personnel and the steps necessary to temporarily reclassify a permit-required confined space to a non-permit space.
Many workplaces have areas that are considered to be "confined" because their configurations hinder the activities of employees who must enter into, work in or exit from them. Employees who work in confined spaces face increased risk of serious physical injury from hazards such as entrapment, engulfment and hazardous atmospheric conditions. Confinement itself may pose entrapment hazards and work in confined spaces may keep employees closer to hazards such as machinery components than they would be otherwise. This course will teach industry professionals how to avoid such dangers.
This course is presented entirely in Spanish. For the English language class, click here.
La Espacio Confinado - Permiso de Entrada clase enseña estudiantes cómo identificar espacios confinados que requieren un permiso. Específicamente, estudiantes aprenderán la utilización de equipo de monitoreo de gas y métodos de ventilación para trabajar en un espacio confinado. Este curso enfatiza los deberes de supervisores, entrants, y asistentes. También, estudiantes aprenderán los requisitos de servicios de rescate y los pasos para cambiar un espacio que necesita un permiso a un espacio sin permisos.
Muchos lugares de trabajo tienen áreas que se consideran confinados porque sus configuraciones dificultan las actividades de los empleados que ingresar, trabajar, o salirlos. Los empleados que trabajan en estos espacios confinados se enfrentan a un mayo riesgo de daño: atrapamiento, inmersión y condiciones atmosféricas peligrosas. Este curso enseñar a profesionales cómo evitar tales peligros.
This course is presented entirely in Spanish. For the English language class, click here.