Corporate Training By Zack Academy - First Aid and CPR Principles and Procedures Online Anytime


Why Should You Take This Course?

This course covers basic First Aid and CPR practices in the workplace. It will not provide First Aid or CPR certification. Instruction will be provided on appropriate responses to emergency situations such as bleeding, shock, burns, eye injuries, heart attack, fractures, exposure to chemicals, etc. Having completed this course, participants will be able to face emergency and first aid situations with confidence, knowing where their responsibilities begin and end.

Who Is The Targeted Audience For This Course?

All employees in general industry

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the "Three S's" of first aid
  • Discuss personal liability and "Good Samaritan Laws"
  • Explain universal precautions for bloodborne pathogens
  • Describe the steps in assessing a scene and victim(s) for appropriate action
  • Describe the steps in caring for a victim in shock
  • Describe the steps in caring for bleeding, amputation and impalement
  • Describe the steps in caring for burns, including chemical and electrical burns
  • Describe the steps in caring for injuries of the bones, joints, and muscles
  • Describe the steps in caring for seizures & fainting
  • Describe the steps in caring for stroke and heart attack victims
  • Explain the "ABC's" of first aid
  • Describe the steps in caring for breathing emergencies
  • Describe the steps necessary to perform CPR
  • Recognize the need for additional training

Primary Regulations: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.152 [Reserved] Subpart K, Medical and First Aid; OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151, Medical Services and First Aid , Subpart K Medical and First Aid

Related Regulations: OSHA 29 CFR 1926.23 First aid and medical attention, Subpart C General Safety and Health Provisions; OSHA 29 CFR 1926.50 Medical services and first aid, Subpart D Occupational Health and Environmental Controls


Request a quote
What's Included
  • 1 Hour of online anytime training
  • Course materials
  • First Aid and CPR Principles and Procedures course certification
Scheduling Process
  1. Contact us and let us know how many employees need training.
  2. We will send a request for bid to our network of over 400 trainers.
  3. Sit back, relax, and within 24-48 hours you will have competitive pricing and a training date for this course.
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Questions? 954-400-0595
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