Why Should You Take This OSHA Crane Rigger Course?
This OSHA Crane Rigger and Signal Person course ensures that your employees are properly trained in the safe and required practices of rigging and signaling. This course has been developed for those workers in charge of rigging loads for crane operation, and covers the knowledge needed by a worker to safely and properly perform the many tasks required of a rigger.
This course offers an in-depth look at every subject that riggers and signal personnel need to know to not only protect themselves and fellow employees from accidents, but to also save money by increasing production.
Compliance Standard: The crane rigger has many responsibilities and plays an integral part in the safety of a job site where cranes are in operation. This course, built from, and adhering to, the OSHA standard for Cranes and Derricks in construction – CFR 1926.1400 – will help to properly prepare a rigger to do their job safely and correctly.
Topics to be Covered Include:
Please Note: ›One constant in OSHA law is that all employees are to be trained on the hazards of their jobs before they start work (HAZCOM). ›A Contractor selects specific training based on the needs of his workers and the potential hazards on site.