Why Should You Take This VDOT Basic Work Zone Traffic Control Training Course?
As traffic volumes increase and the need to repair and improve roadways becomes greater, so does the need to plan, install, and review work zone traffic control to effectively and safely perform the work. Federal requirements now instruct state and local governments to train personnel in work zone traffic control relevant to the job decisions that each individual is required to make.
This VDOT Basic Work Zone Traffic Control Training workshop provides training needed to properly install work zones to perform daily maintenance or short-term operations in the state of Virginia. Emphasis is placed on the basics of work zone traffic control, focusing on work zone devices and how to effectively install and maintain them.
Intended Audience: Individuals involved in construction-type activities who work as field personnel and have responsibility for placement of and/or maintenance of work zone traffic control devices, including traffic control devices and proper signage.
At the conclusion of this workshop, a short open-book written exam will be administered to all attendees. A VDOT-issued training card will be given to each attendee who achieves a passing grade of 80% or higher.
Topics To Be Covered Include: