Why Should You Take This Establishing Soil Groundwater and Surface Water Cleanup Under the Model Toxics Control Act Course?
This Establishing Soil Groundwater and Surface Water Cleanup Under the Model Toxics Control Act course provides attendees with an in-depth understanding of the procedures for establishing cleanup levels and points of compliance under the Model Toxics Control Act (WAC 173-340). The course covers procedures for establishing cleanup levels using Methods A, B, and C for groundwater, surface water and soil, as well as an overview of recent rule revisions related to dioxins/furans, PCBs, and carcinogenic PAHs. Additionally, the terrestrial ecological evaluation process to soils at sites will be covered.
Participants will benefit from an overview of Washington State Department of Ecology's three and four-phase partitioning models, as well as their use of leaching test methods for determining soil concentrations that are protective of groundwater. Attendees will also have an opportunity to walk through the process of establishing cleanup standards using case studies. Both instructors have a deep and thorough understanding of MTCA and will welcome questions at the end of each topic.
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for environmental professionals seeking an improved understanding of the establishment of cleanup levels under MTCA.
Attendees are encouraged to take "Introduction to the Model Toxics Control Act" to prepare for this course.
Topics to be Covered Include:
Meet the Instructors:
Pete Kmet is a senior environmental engineer in the Policy and Technical Support Unit of the Washington State Department of Ecology's Toxics Cleanup Program. Mr. Kmet has extensive experience in site remediation, has played a key role in the development of MTCA legislation amendments, related rules, policies and technical guidance, and has presented on these topics at numerous MTCA workshops throughout the state. Mr. Kmet also serves on the City Council of Tumwater.
Priscilla Tomlinson is an expert in the fields of risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. She has over 20 years of experience in the fields of risk assessment, toxicology, and hazardous waste. She has taught classes covering 2001 MTCA revisions and has applied MTCA rules at numerous cleanup sites.